Tuesday, November 22, 2011

2012 LGBT Muslims & Partners Retreat Dates Announced


2012 LGBT Muslims & Partners Retreat

May 25-28, 2012 - Memorial Day Holiday Weekend

Philadelphia, PA

For more information please join:

Registration details to be announced in January 2012.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Monday, June 13, 2011

Cain thinks Muslims don't believe in the constitution and tea bagger Michelle Bachman running for Pres. Let the games begin!! 2012drama
Who knew pretending to be a lesbian could be so easy?! Syrian blogger and LezGetReal founder are both straight white men!! What the fatwa people?!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Happy Pride Los Angeles!!
"We have created you out of nations and tribes... So you may know one another" - Quran talking about Farmers Market :-)
"Let us be revolutionaries of love and use our very strong human powers to save lives and encourage unity around the world." - Lady Gaga at EuroPride in
Rome w/ 1 mil people

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Happy Pride to my Boston and DC peeps! Miss you all v much!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Thursday, June 2, 2011

5 people "found" each other this past weekend at a queer Muslim retreat, having grown up in the same mosque and Muslim community. "Truly there is a sign in all that We do, for those who listen." - Quran lgbtmuslimretreat

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memories: Last day folks had to literally be separated to head to airport. So much love and community was created. lgbtmuslimretreat
Recovery check-in and support meeting brought 6+ queer Muslims together. His/herstory. Allah loves us all! We are of the Divine. lgbtmuslimretreat
Disabled queer Muslim woman led prayers this weekend. LGBT Muslims leading the revolution for equality and social justice. lgbtmuslimretreat
e us! lgbtmuslimretreat
I broke down 3 times this weekend. If the world could witness the love that we created... I know the Divine was present with us and not w/ those that hat
Really missing each and every one of the 77 queer Muslims that came together this past weekend. Community, spirit, conversation, love. lgbtmuslimretreat

Monday, May 30, 2011

They left as quickly as they came here. From Allah we come and to Him we must return. lgbtmuslimretreat
Perfumed = performed iPhone lgbtmuslimretreat
Imam Daayiee perfumed a same gender marriage at the last day of lgbtmuslimretreat 40+ folks witnessing the union before Allah. History!!
"This retreat has literally changed my life. I prayed for the first time today after 5 years." - participant lgbtmuslimretreat
Thank you to AAPIP's Queer Justice Fund for their generous support. lgbtmuslimretreat
"Building Alliances Across Progressive Communities" Ben NQAPIA Sung Intersections Yarehk MPVUSA
It's hard to believe that 20+ of folks were 13 yo or younger at Al-Fatiha's inception in 1998. lgbtmuslimretreat
First Airport Drop-Offs = Sad Faisal :-(

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Evening of Sharing: Talent / No Talent Show. Our community is so amazing and beautiful. Words cannot express the joy! lgbtmuslimretreat
"My vision for a future is where there are mosques across the US that are queer-inclusive and treat women w/ dignity" El-Farouk Khaki lgbtmuslimretreat
"Building a Community: Our Vision, Challenges & Opportunities" plenary. lgbtmuslimretreat
"I cannot grasp the concept of not having access to medicine" - participant from Canada. lgbtmuslimretreat
"We have (HIV) meds because it a gift from Allah." - Jamilah: Islam & HIV session. lgbtmuslimretreat
A queer couple who are in an open relationship but they can't watch a new episode of Glee w/anyone else. lgbtmuslimretreat
Using Islamic methodology to create non-heteronormative models of sexual relationships. Liberation at work. lgbtmuslimretreat
Sessions on Managing Islamiphobia and Fabulousness and What's God Doing In My Bedroom lgbtmuslimretreat queermuslimsandandrock
I'm wearing my "Queer + Muslim = Fabulous" t-shirt. Msg me if you wanna buy one :) lgbtmuslimretreat
After a night out in town folks are all on time for the first plenary. lgbtmuslimretreat

Saturday, May 28, 2011

"What would our communities looks like if they experiences our radical love?" -Fatimah Loren lgbtmuslimretreat radicallove
Fatimah Loren, musician extrodinaire performing. 77 queer Muslims. 4 countries. 12+ ethnicities. Praise Allah. lgbtmuslimretreat
16 queer Muslims discussing "problematic verses in the Quran" lgbtmuslimretreat historyinthemaking we'vecomealongwaybaby
We are creating our own history/herstory. Queer Muslims love the Divine and no one can come in between that! lgbtmuslimretreat
Islamic Prayer 101 - 20+ folks in this session. History in the making. lgbtmuslimretreat
Queer + Muslim = Fabulous lgbtmuslimretreat
3 queer students who I met at different colleges have come. It's such a special feeling seeing these young folks here. lgbtmuslimretreat
LGBT Muslim Retreat Blog lgbtmuslimretreat.blogspot.com
Follow the LGBT Muslim Retreat on Twitter @faisalalam or lgbtmuslimretreat
Is there anything more beautiful than seeing two people who went to the same mosque growing up finding each other again at a queer Muslim retreat!? lgbt
The Divine is present all around us. If the world could witness the love, pain and reflection present our societies would look so different. lgbtmuslimretreat

Friday, May 27, 2011

Dr. Kugle talking about Attaining Happiness as LGBT Muslims. lgbtmuslimretreat
50+ queer Muslims hearing about Gender 101. We've come a long way baby! lgbtmuslimretreat
Retreat has officially started. London, Utah, NYC, TX. Yay!! lgbtmuslimretreat
Flights delayed + late buses + missing travelers = very stressed out Faisal :-) lgbtmuslimretreat isittuesdayyet
Ready... Set... Go.... lgbtmuslimretreat
You know you're a hard core fundie activist when you wake up at 6 am because of nightmares about peoples travel being delayed. lgbtmuslimretreat welcom

Thursday, May 26, 2011

LGBT Musilm Retreat Updates


For those that can't make the LGBT Muslim Retreat, we'll be posting periodic updates from the gathering.

The program can be found at http://www.lgbtmuslimretreat.com/resources/Program%20Book%20-%20Schedule%20of%20Events.pdf

You can follow us on twitter by searching for hash tag #lgbtmuslimretreat

Or check out our blog at http://lgbtmuslimretreat.blogspot.com.

First 4 of 75 participants have arrived. All flights delayed. A sign? We hope not :) At least London folks left. C u soon! lgbtmuslimretreat